Second Leg

Well, we finally made it to Manas Airbase, Krygyztan. Now we wait for the flight back to CONUS (Continental US). One of the first things I notices when I disembarked from the airplane was it was much cooler and there are far more green leafy things to look at. It’s nice to be back in a more civilized part of the world. You can feel the change in the mood of our merry band from Missouri. Now that we are actually in Manas a huge load was lifted from our shoulders.

We are going to be here for a few days unlike when we passed through here last time. I already checked out the gift shops they have here on the base and there are a couple of things that I might buy for my bride :). I passed up an opportunity years ago to buy a Soviet era flask when I was at the Brandenberg Tor and I think I will indulge myself this time. I already bought my sons stuff from the bazaar at Bagram. One nice thing about Manas Airbase is that we can have two alcohol drinks per twenty-four hours. The local dark beer is pretty good (7%!!!). Tomorrow one of my buddies and I will be testing the wine selection.

I am actually being paid to hang out and wait for a flight. Sleep late, spend some time in the gym, do some shopping, maybe get a manicure/pedicure and a massage (I got my first manicure and a pedicure when I visited Qatar and now I am hooked). It is an unbelievable change of pace. I went from working sixteen to twenty hour days to being a total slacker. I called my bride as soon as I got to Manas and she kidded with me that I better enjoy my time off because I will be busy when I return home!

Two legs down, three to go.

CPT NightHawk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back (even though you're still a bit far from home).... Glad you're on your way home. Thanks to you and the folks from Missouri for your service.

Guy (Damascus Road)

06 October, 2006 14:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Closer and closer.....
So glad for you and your family!
Personally glad that I won't have your "honey do" list!!!

You are still in our thoughts and prayers!

07 October, 2006 00:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, stephanie gutmann here. saw your comments about my book "the other war" because...er...I sometimes do searches on my own name on technorati.com. (ok, I admitted it...)

but i was real interested by what you said about use of media by insurgent-types in afghanistan--the whole asymetrical media as weapon of war thing-- and would like to hear more about what you're seeing. maybe there's more in this blog...i guess i'll search a little bit.

07 October, 2006 17:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

General Order 1B says no alcohol until you are CONUS. MPs will be waiting for you.
Also great OPSEC. Way to tell everyone in the whole wide web that you are redeploying, and exactly where you are. Good job!
And why the FUCK are you wearing an SF combat patch. Holy shit!
Fucking guard.

14 October, 2006 07:33  

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